Table of Contents
I often buy a bundle from Design Cuts. Its package has tons of practical design materials, and the price is deeply discounted. The one thing I can complain about it is that it has time limited.
What should I do if I miss the chance to buy it? Where and how can I buy the same one?
In this article, I’ll show you how to buy past design materials of previous bundles on the Design Cuts.
[aff]How to buy the past deal in case you miss it.
As a conclusion, there are three ways to buy past deals.
- Go to Marketplace
- Go to Design Cuts Japanese site
- Go to other design material websites like Creative Market, The Hungry JPEG, etc.
Let’s take a look at them in order.
①Go to Marketplace
First, let’ go to Marketplace. You may be able to find the materials you wanted because it sells popular materials of past bundles.
- The more you buy, the deeper the discount you will get! It will be up to 50% off!
- You can use the materials for both multiple private and commercial projects since you buy them via Design Cuts.
- Be careful that you cannot buy all of the materials from past deals. Marketplace sells only some of them.
Can I expect that I can buy everything I need from the marketplace?
”I will wait this material is on sale in the marketplace because I want only a part of the current bundle.”
I have thought the same thing like above before, but I found out that it was 20-80 chance, not 50-50.
We have no idea which material will be on sale in marketplace because Design cuts don’t announce it in advance.
Whatmore, the materials on marketplace is a much higher price than the price of when you buy a bundle.
For example, fonts on marketplace tend to be higher than $29, a bundle price.
We cannot expect 100% that marketplace sells items you want.
②Go to Design Cuts Japanese site
Design Cuts have two websites. English language one and Japanese language one.
Sometimes Japanese site sells past bundle from the English website.
You can use the materials for both multiple private and commercial projects even when you buy them via Japanese site!
③Go to other design material website like Creative Market, The Hungry JPEG, etc.
If you can not find the material in the marketplace, check the other design material sale site. You will find most of the material.
- Even with the same material, be careful where to buy the stuff since each material site has different policy and license.
- You may be able to buy cheaper than Design Cuts. However, you may pay higher than it as well.
- It takes time to find what you really want.
For example, in Creative MARKET and Pixelbuddha, you can purchase the materials that are sold in Design Cuts.
They don’t sell past deals except for the anniversary campaign.
There was a campaign that resold the past bundles at the time of the 2nd birthday anniversary
This was, of course, a limited time event though, it is not a 0% chance to buy the past deals.
Once again, I leave summarizes of this article.
- Go to Marketplace
- Go to Design Cuts Japanese site
- Go to other design material websites like Creative Market, The Hungry JPEG, etc.
③ is the most reliable way. However, you should read the license and policy of the site carefully.
The best way is not to miss the chance to buy design bundles!
Follow the twitter account not to miss any chances!
There are several ways to keep up with the latest information though, and I would recommend that you follow their twitter account.
- Design Cuts(英語サイトの公式アカウント):@designcutsdeals
Hope you get what you want reading this article and not to miss it!